Madison Adoption Associates + Gladney Center for Adoption
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Gladney Center for Adoption | Prospective Adoptive Parents - Waiting Child Review Form

Dear Prospective Adoptive Parent, 

Prior to starting the adoption process, Gladney Center for Adoption requires that a family submit a Prospective Adoptive Parents Form.  We really appreciate your time in telling us about your family.  All of this information will remain secure and confidential.  The purpose of this form is to make sure your family qualifies for the country program in which you are interested.  An Adoption Specialist will follow up with you after receiving your information.  We look forward to working with you and getting to know your family!

Please note that fields with "*" are required.  If the field does not apply, please enter "NA."  With the exception being: if you are applying as a single parent, please leave ALL 'Ap 2' fields blank.


We may be able to save you time by pre-filling the form with the information that you have previously entered.

Have you previously submitted your information to us?

Yes, LoginNo, Begin Form